October 8

What do China, The Vatican and Italy have in common?

They might all be after the secret that Jak Colins (the protagonist in 3 WISE MEN) is hiding. But, don’t get too excited. Other jealous groups could be involved too. This thriller blends many complex characters together as the seek out the lucrative formula that Jak has unearthed – one that actually existed 4,000 years ago and promises to disrupt a global industry in much the same way that Steve Jobs did with the launch of the Apple computer on April 1, 1976 (April Fool’s Day).

October 2

What is significant about 4,000?

Well, for starters, 4,000 yrs ago an old document gave a vivid description about a potent formula – one that is pivotal to 3 WISE MEN. And, 4,000 is about the number of ebooks that are uploaded each day to Amazon! Why does 3 WISE MEN deserve a mention among this number of wannabees?

  1. 3 WISE MEN is a thriller based on fact – not some far-fetched, unlikely scenario.
  2. 3 WISE MEN has enough sudden surprises to keep many other thrillers on their toes.
  3. 3 WISE MEN combines math and scientific work with spy overtones and authentic locations – yum!
  4. 3 WISE MEN is less than 300 pages, with mostly short chapters. “This makes it ideal reading,” said one reader.
  5. 3 WISE MEN follows our protagonist through some very exotic locations.
  6. 3 WISE MEN has had quality input from a number of on-location experts for added authenticity.
  7. 3 WISE MEN is affordable and, if not, a quick reply in the Leave a Comment section will ensure it is for you.
  8. 3 WISE MEN has proven to be “easy to read” (my wife’s comment, and I would be a fool not to trust her judgement).
  9. 3 WISE MEN is contemporary and covers everything from Trump, Putin, social media, and cryptocurrencies, etc.
  10. 3 WISE MEN revisits the biblical trio and brings a modern twist to ancient times. Enjoy 3 WISE MEN!
October 1

3 WISE MEN Continue to Captivate

More raving response on this novel from the author’s youngest daughter who said that she “couldn’t put it down” and that it was “really good.” And, at a special price for October too. Purchase 3 WISE MEN here and enjoy this contemporary thriller – complete with up-to-date references to Trump, Putin, The Vatican, crypo-currencies, etc.

“An excellent spy thriller based on an ancient document”